We are incorporating the practice of pharmacy into clinical research

We are committed to making clinical trials a viable healthcare option for Everyone, Everywhere. With our new way of thinking, we can address the long-standing time, cost, and quality issues that have afflicted the industry for decades.

Expanding The Role Of The Pharmacist

Discover the Power of Community–Driven Patient Recruitment

The concept of E2 Trials took shape when RxE2, using the lens of clinical research, looked at services provided by pharmacies and the relationship pharmacists have with their patients.

With 50% of clinical trials failing to recruit enough patients, RxE2 Recruitment harnesses the power of our network of independently owned community pharmacies, with pharmacists and their existing patient relationships, to rapidly provide a stream of diverse and highly qualified patients.

By focusing on what benefits Everyone, Everywhere, E2 Services addresses the time, cost, and quality issues that have persisted in the pharmaceutical clinical research industry for the past 40 years.


Why Choose RxE2 Clinical Services?

RxE2 is a new and innovative pharmaceutical services organization focused on leveraging the power of the community, specifically community pharmacists, to improve how clinical trials are managed and conducted.
We see the industry through the eyes of pharmacists and their patients, bridging the gap between clinical research and real-world medication practices. We are the first company fully integrating the practice of pharmacy into clinical research. Our unique model provides a new method for companies who want to make a difference and genuinely understand patient centricity, especially for those companies pursuing virtual, siteless, or decentralized clinical trials.
RxE2 puts cutting-edge technology in the hands of the right healthcare professionals to turbocharge recruitment efforts.


Why Use Pharmacies and Pharmacists?

The current practice of pharmacy is changing. Today’s pharmacies and pharmacists represent untapped resources. Pharmacies are ideally situated, as they are not only located throughout the United States and the world, but they are also convenient to patients participating in clinical trials. Each of these pharmacies has pharmacists whose skills and expertise are often underused. These skills and expertise make the pharmacist the perfect healthcare professional to dispense clinical supplies and ensure medication adherence and compliance.
More importantly, many clinical research stakeholders often overlook the relationships that pharmacists have with their patients. Those relationships, however, are the primary reason why pharmacists are, time and again, listed as one of the most trusted professionals in the US. We harness the power of our independently owned community pharmacy network, with pharmacists and their existing patient relationships, to rapidly provide a stream of diverse and highly qualified patients.

Why are E2 Trials the Key to Decentralized Trials?

E2 Trials incorporate the practice of pharmacy and use pharmacies and pharmacists located in every corner of the US, the European Union, and the world.
Our network includes more than 4,000 independently owned pharmacies serving over eight million patients in their communities, enabling them to rapidly provide a stream of diverse and highly qualified patients.
RxE2 has also created an innovative and cost-effective new system to package, label, and ship clinical supplies directly to local patients.
The success of decentralized trials hinges on quality. Whether it is data collection, understanding patient behavior, addressing patient clinical supply and technology issues, or study outcomes, ensuring quality is paramount in any decentralized trial.
RxE2 uses its proven pharmacist services and propriety systems to improve patient care and medication outcomes to ensure quality at every step.